kevin babb

    I am an architect and artist. I have been creating since early childhood and have worked in a variety of media including tree house building, drawing, painting, stained glass, frame making, furniture and cabinetry, and home remodeling. I love the tactile process of making things.

    My two dimensional body of work concentrates on the juxtaposition of color and patterns to create abstract compositions. I started with stained glass and made a four panel de stijl  based window for a door. After a few years I began using the same compositions used for stained glass to start creating collages using the colors and patterns cut from National Geographic magazines. After several years in that mode I began to paint paper developing unique colors and affecting those colors with paint manipulation, imprinted patterns, and other media.

    My compositions generally fall into several aesthetic categories which I have nicknamedthe icons’, ‘the abstracts’, ‘the square series’, ‘the crests’, ‘the color bar series’, ‘the sketchbook series’, ‘the grids’, and some I haven’t figured out yet.

    In each piece I create the intent is to either make your eye focus attention on one element,  or make your eye compare various elements, or make your eye scan the entire work in a slow process. Ultimately, if I have made you pause and subconsciously view my compositions using one of these strategies then I feel I will have succeeded.